Expense Management and Savings

Hello, I met my childhood friend Swami after a long time. Swami, right from his childhood days was very keen and curious about family finances. I told him that I am planning to write a chronicle on family finances and I would like to pick his brain for relevant personal experiences/stories. Swami agreed. What follows …

Expense Management and Savings Read More »

When the Digital Fraud hit Home

The Incidence My father (a Senior Citizen) has an account with one of the largest public sector banks in his hometown. He has a Debit Card from the bank, which he uses only for cash withdrawal from ATMs and no other transactions. On 30th October last year (2018), when he visited the branch ATM to …

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Why is it risky to have adhoc approach for financial planning?

In my discussions with friends, colleagues and clients, financial planning does not quite get the attention it deserves and for the right reasons. Some believe that a formal approach to financial planning is not necessary to manage personal finance, while some others have reasonable comfort with the finances they have and believe that everything will …

Why is it risky to have adhoc approach for financial planning? Read More »