
The Deadly Oversight

Amit had to travel to another world against his wishes. Over there, a lingering regret weighed heavily on his mind. He had left his previous life with one crucial task unfinished—one that should never have been overlooked. In his previous life, Amit was a nice gentleman. His sole purpose in life was to make people …

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If Not NOW Then WHEN?

Yesterday, I was talking to one of my clients and he told me that he is aggressively working with his extended family to get their Life and health insured. He has helped his brother-in-law purchase it and is following up with the others. He purchased his Term Life and Health Insurance policies post the financial …

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Do we need individual health Insurance policy in addition to the group insurance policy through work?

The increasing stress at the workplace, sedentary lifestyle and inability to spend time on physical activities is resulting in our nation’s poor health. Critical illnesses like heart disease, stroke and cancer are becoming more prevalent and affecting us early in life. The lifestyle diseases like diabetes, if not treated in time, can cause multiple related …

Do we need individual health Insurance policy in addition to the group insurance policy through work? Read More »