FIRE – The Right Way


In today’s financial landscape, the concept of FIRE (Financial Independence, Retired Early) has captured the imagination of many, promising freedom and happiness through early retirement. While the allure of FIRE is undeniable, it’s crucial to delve into the nuanced approaches to achieve it. This blog explores the spectrum of attitudes towards FIRE, highlights potential pitfalls, and emphasizes the importance of a balanced approach that encompasses both financial goals and life experiences.

The Spectrum of FIRE Pursuits

Within the world of FIRE enthusiasts, a diverse range of approaches emerges. On one end, there are those consumed by the desire to achieve FIRE at any cost, often sacrificing present moments for future financial security. Conversely, some succumb to societal pressures, leading them to spend beyond their means, drowning in borrowed money while projecting a façade of happiness. Striking a balance between these extremes is essential, and it hinges on a mindful approach to both financial and life priorities.

Learning from Personal Experience

I have experienced this from close quarters. My ex-boss was smart and used to thrive in consulting engagements. As part of the job, he used to travel every Monday and return on Thursday to his home office. He did it for 25 continuous years. One day he told me that because of his hectic work schedule, he has not been able to spend quality time with his children for years and has decided to take a long break from work. He did take a break but I soon got a very sad news that he passed away. It felt so unfortunate that when he was finally gearing up to enjoy the best time of his life, he could not do so. Life is unpredictable and we cannot differ today’s life experiences for tomorrow.

Crafting a Balanced FIRE Plan

A pragmatic FIRE plan forms the bedrock of a sustainable journey towards financial independence. Rather than being fuelled solely by desires and wishful thinking, a balanced plan should be rooted in practicality, acknowledging the present while securing the future.

Prioritizing Life Experiences alongside FIRE

Moments with family and personal growth are invaluable and should not be delayed indefinitely. Balancing present joy with future security ensures that the journey towards FIRE is as enriching as the destination itself. Striving for a harmonious blend of financial freedom and meaningful life experiences offers a more holistic approach to FIRE.

Embracing the Journey to FIRE

Amidst the fervor to achieve financial independence, it’s vital not to lose sight of the journey itself. The pursuit of FIRE should be viewed as an opportunity for growth, learning, and self-discovery. Obsessing over the endpoint can lead to missed opportunities and regrets. Cultivating a healthy relationship with the FIRE journey, acknowledging its challenges and rewards, enriches the process and fosters a sense of fulfillment.


While the concept of FIRE holds undeniable appeal, a well-rounded approach is essential to achieve both financial independence and a fulfilling life. By avoiding the extremes of obsession and reckless spending, and by crafting a realistic and adaptable FIRE plan that integrates family priorities, individuals can embark on a journey that harmonizes present experiences with future security. Ultimately, the path to FIRE should be embraced as a transformative voyage, one that ensures a life well-lived along the way.


The content presented in this blog is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer by the author. Should any doubts arise concerning the content’s suitability or accuracy, it is strongly advised to consult an independent financial advisor for personalized guidance.

The writer is a SEBI Registered Adviser and Founder of FinMyn ( He provides Fee-Only Financial Planning and Investment Advisory services.

He has advised many clients in India, the US, the Middle East, South East Asia, Europe, and Australia.

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